Case Study 4A - Emerging contaminants (secondary fertilisers)
Institutions: AU-ENV, UCLM
CS Coordinators: Kai Bester, Rafael Mateo
Objectives / Hypothesis
Assess fate, biomagnification and effects of secondary fertilisers introduced to ecosystems via sewage sludge.
Short description of the case study (species studied, chemicals involved, exposure routes)
The CS4A concentrates on the emission and fate of Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs) in soil ecosystems.
Case Study Goal
Exposure assessment
CEC in soil, porewater and soil biota (invertebrates)
Suction cups to study CEC movement towards groundwaters
Involved stakeholders
National food industry (Dairy Arla having some demands on not using sludge)
SEGES (Farmers knowledge center)
Environmental protection groups
Description: Research farm (Høje Taastrup, Denmark)
0.6 ha plots receiving/ not receiving sludge over 70 years