Project objectives


Expected outcomes

Expected impacts

  1. Develop an understanding of chemical impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services.

  2. Develop an understanding of the routes of environmental release, fate and routes of exposure and drivers of toxicological and ecological impacts of chemical pollution on highly exposed terrestrial species and biodiversity.

  3. Develop methods to establish routes of contamination and fate pathways in terrestrial ecosystems.

  4. Assess chemical risks by developing effect-based approaches considering mixture effects.

  5. Development of models linking i) chemical ecotoxicity ii) impacts on biodiversity (genetic and functional) and iii) ecosystem services.

  6. Identify and communicate preventive and mitigation measures for chemical impacts on terrestrial biodiversity.

  1. Routes of exposure, linked to ecosystem & biodiversity dynamics to chemicals are better understood.

  2. The environmental fate of chemicals of emerging concern is better understood.

  3. Issues raised by the contamination of biodiversity in the natural environment are better known,

    including risks linked to existing contaminations (legacy), chemicals of emerging concern and accumulations in nature.

  4. Toxicological and ecological impacts of chemicals are better understood and risk assessments for relevant highly exposed species are strengthened.

  5. Prevention and mitigation measures are identified and developed.

  1. Understand and address direct drivers of biodiversity decline.

  2. Plan, manage, and expand protected areas and their networks, and improve the status of species and habitats.

  3. Interconnect EU and global biodiversity research and support policies through societal engagement.


You will be able to find our publications and other written project information in our Zenodo repository.

Funded by the European Union under Grant agreement ID: 101135213. Learn more.

SYBERAC aims to better understand the terrestrial routes and patterns of exposure and the associated, potential toxicological and ecological impacts of chemical pollution (excluding industrial contamination) on terrestrial biodiversity, ecosystems, and ecosystem services. The SYBERAC vision is to deliver the underpinning science, methods and tools that can support a transition of terrestrial chemical risk assessment into a systems-based ERA (sb-ERA) designed to protect genetic and functional diversity and ecosystem services.

At the core of SYBERAC there is a collaborative knowledge-building process that integrates expertise and knowledge from relevant actors to improve understanding of how chemicals impact terrestrial ecosystems.

Project Overview

SYBERAC: Towards a SYstems-Based, holistic Environmental Risk Assessment of Chemicals