Case Study 1B - Winter cereals (Spain)
Cumulative exposure of wildlife to plant protection products (PPP) in an agricultural system (winter cereals)
Objectives / Hypothesis
Investigate the role of pesticides on avian declines from direct and indirect effects associated with multiple exposures affecting reproductive performance.
Description of the case study
The CS 1B aims to assess the exposure of birds and invertebrates to triazole pesticides through various pathways (direct application, seed treatment, residue ingestion) and evaluate the potential effects on their populations and biodiversity.
Case Study Goal
Exposure assessment - PPP exposure from:
Estimated application depending on crop type
Availability of pesticide-treated seeds (autumn)
PPP residues in plants and soils
PPP residues in invertebrates, hunted partridges, and blood of passerine birds
Effect assessment
Parameters related to the mechanisms of toxicity of triazoles (cholesterol, steroid hormones, ecdysteroids)
Productivity (clutch and brood sizes relative to adult density)
Biodiversity monitoring
Densities of most relevant bird species (transects)
Diversity of invertebrate community (trapping, suction sampling)
the red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) and other farmland birds may also be included
60 sampling points in Spain’s northern and southern plateaus
gradient from conventional to organic farming